Sunday, May 15, 2011


We hear this word so many times throughout our lives and some of us aren't really certain of what it means.
A Mantra is a word or a series of words, a thought, a prayer (but not the traditional religious prayer) that repited several times, outloud or in our minds, it links consciousness with energy, with purpose, with change.
A Mantra can be something so simple as "I Am", which includes all aspects of you, it reinforces your own self and it creates energy from within to grow as a person.
Some Mantras have the sound effect, where vibrations of certain vowels and syllables carry a particular ray of consciousness, changing us without even noticing it. Some Mantras have more energy than others, some are for specific purposes and personalities. That's why is so important that you do some research before commiting to a particular Mantra, that way you'll choose the one that you need for that specific moment or situation in your life.
I love to repeat this Mantra for Protection (see below); it clears karma, it removes obstacles, it cleanses your energy leaving you light and fresh. And it works, trust me. I've used it and it released me from all the negativity that I had absorved and that was dragging me down. It's in sanskrit, so I'm attaching a video with me chanting it, that way you will have a better idea of how to pronounce the words and how to meditate with it:

Ad Guray Namay
Jugad Guray Namay
Sat Guray Namay
Siri Guru Devay Namay

Ad Such
Jugad Such
Hay Bee Such
Nanuck O See Bee Such

Ad Such
Jugad Such
Hay Bei Such
Nanuck O See Bei Such

Chant this Mantra 7 times at once. You can chant it as many times during the day as it feels good. Enjoy it and notice the difference in your life!

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