Thursday, January 19, 2012


I know it's been a while since I last wrote and I don't expect many people to read my blog, but it's time to reconnect. I do have an excuse, in case you need one. After such an amazing yoga journey in July of last year, things sort of fell slowly down and crumbled in front of me. The yoga world I knew had disappointed me.

I was teaching several classes at only one studio (I prefer not to say the name, just in case). I loved the community there, the students, the other teachers, the life and energy, the friends I made, the growth I experienced on the mat and as an instructor. That space was so important to me. And then things started going bad.

Rumors started that the studio was going to close, that the owner could not afford keeping it open, that the former manager was going to take control, that another studio was going to come and buy it, that the landlord was going to open his own yoga studio, that we were not going to have a place to practice... and so on. It was hard.

I don't like to listen to rumors, they create assumptions that tend to be far from reality. And that was all what people talked about. It got very exhausting at one point. I don't like drama, I'm very practical, so being in the middle of this weird atmosphere, made me realize that it was not gonna be pretty.

And then people started changing, getting competitive, fighting for that one teaching spot; the manager of the studio went crazier than normal, she went back into her addictions and personal issues, which of course were reflected on her relationships with students and teachers. Things got out of control. Meanwhile, I tried to stay out of it, but there was not much space to move out.

Then we got an email saying that the studio was closing that week, instead of months later as we had been told. There was rage among students, people were talking about legal actions against the owner (they had bought passes and classes recently), we were all in disbelieve. Two days after the studio had closed, we got another email saying that another known local studio was taking over the space.

It was like a new energy had been brought upon us. It felt so good, so clean, so nice, so fresh. We believed in them, in the power of yoga, in what we saw was changing... But it just stayed there. No more changes were made, things continued to fall even when I thought we couldn't go any lower. So we suffered through another crush, another disappointment, another sad experience.

I started looking for new places to practice and teach and I'm so glad I did. The owner of the building opened the studio again, with a third new name, with almost no students left that would trust in them. I was one of them. It just felt wrong. So disorganized, so cold, so confusing, so lost, so depressing.

So I walked away, with tears in my eyes. That space provided me with so many great memories and I'm truly thankful for what I learned, for who I met, for everything I was able to experience. But it was not the same space anymore, the soul of the place was gone. It was not a Yoga Studio, it was solely a business, a money maker, a number.

So here I am, still looking for that great studio to practice in that calls my heart, that catches my eye and that captures my soul. I now teach at several studios. So if you're in Denver, or come to Denver some day, please stop by at any of my classes:

Monday 5:15 - 6:15pm, Power Vinyasa Flow, Studio Shakta
Tuesday 5:15 - 6:15pm, Power Vinyasa Flow, Studio Shakta
Friday 6:00 - 6:50pm, Beginners Flow, PowerHouse Gym Denver
Saturday 9:00 - 10:00am, Power Vinyasa Flow, Breathe Yoga & Cycle Studio