Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good Bye...

Who am I kidding??? Am I sure about this??? Is this it???

These are a few of the multiple questions that keep popping into my head as I write this final blog. Yes, you read it correctly. This is the last post I'm ever going to write in this blog.

I realized that I am too introverted to have a blog. It's very hard for me to share my life, my thoughts, my feelings, my experiences so openly and without any hesitations. I'm always worried that I've said too much, that I've been sharing too much, that I'm putting myself too out there The idea of a blog is to make you happy while writing it, to share willingly and without thinking about it too much. Well, that doesn't apply to me.

I guess it's just not for me. I doubt anybody out there is gonna be disappointed though, since I don't have many followers or readers. That makes it easier in a way.

Also, I've been going through a lot this year, and it's only April!!!!! My mind, my heart, my soul, my true self are not connecting with my inner blogger, if there was a blogger in me at one point.

We might see each other again some time, but for now, I'm going back into my shell.

Have a wonderful life everyone. Don't forget to try yoga, to give it a chance. Surprise yourself of what you can accomplish through the magic of this ancient and wonderful practice.

Light to you all...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do you need a dictionary?

In the past month, thanks to a great Groupon I bought, I was able to practice for a very affordable price at a highly priced yoga studio. One month unlimited, yay!! But that's gonna be discussed more in detail in another post ;)

Besides the variety of teachers and styles that I was able to try and enjoy, one thing that caught my attention was the language used in all classes. It was English, of course, but all teachers also used Sanskrit. And not all of them did it properly. That's why it bothered me so much!!!

I'm no expert in the subject, but as a Yoga Instructor, I've done my homework and studied the basic terminology and pronunciation. That's why I know when something isn't right. I'm all for using the sacred language during classes, but do it properly and showing the respect that it deserves.

If you don't know how to pronounce it, then don't say it, until you know for sure how to. In Chile we have a saying: "El tuerto es el rey en el mundo de los ciegos" (the one eyed man is the king in the world of blinds), which would apply for a teacher that is leading a beginner's class, or that is certain that he/she knows more about the name of the asanas than anybody else in the room. But how do you know for sure when these options apply? Are you gonna ask your students one by one? You need to be on top of your game. When you have students that are knowledgeable, advanced practitioners and experienced yogis/yoginis, then you need to step up and be the Guide they need you to be. With your practice, with your cues and with your words.

And if you don't know any Sanskrit and you want to start learning, here are some basic words, with their English translation and pronunciation:

Asana (ah-sah-nnah) = Pose
Savasana (sah-vah-sah-nnah) = Corpse pose   
Tadasana (tah-dah-sah-nnah) = Mountain pose
Utkatasana (oott-kah-tah-sah-nnah) = Depending of the yoga style the translation (chair, fierce, thunderbolt, awkward)
Uttanasana (oott-tah-nah-sah-nnah) = Forward fold (stretched out) pose
Balasana (bah-lah-sah-nnah) = Child pose

If you wanna learn more, I recommend "The Language of Yoga". You can find it used or new in internet.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A weekend of Yoga

Have you ever taken a weekend trip only to do yoga? Well, my husband, my three dogs and I did it. And it was fun!!!!

We went to Crested Butte for the first ever Yoga Rocks the Butte Festival. Three days of classes, skiing, concerts, meditations, checking out the town and having a great time. I realized then, how small the community is. There were so many people who we've shared classes at Yoga Rocks the Park, or at studios, or at the Yoga Journal Conference at Estes Park with; it was nice seeing them, talking to them, sharing more experiences with them and growing with them.

What I like about this yoga trips, is the variety of classes and teachers. There is something for everybody, no matter if you're a beginner or an advanced student, if you're more physical or more spiritual. They even had night activities, concerts, kirtan, trance dance, drummers, etc.

I got to practice with Shiva Rea, three classes with her, some better than others, all part of my growth as a practitioner and as a teacher. I also practiced with Twee, not my favorite, but not bad. I took a beginner's class with Shannon Paige, what a great teacher she is, so vibrant, fun and challenging!! I got to practice and enjoy Acro Yoga, one of my favorite classes, neck to neck with Dimitri's Danda Class. I like active classes, where I learn new things, where I can free my mind and just be myself through the movement.

Acro Yoga is great to do with a partner. Good thing my husband was in the class as well, so we can keep having fun at home, at the park or anywhere we want to. The danda was, in my opinion, a mix of martial arts with yoga asanas and stretches. I loved it!!! And I can also keep doing it at home, which I love.

I was exhausted on the way back home, but I was and am so thankful for the opportunity of being part of the first Yoga Rocks the Butte ever. The journey moves me in all directions and now, I'm looking forward to the next adventure.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I know it's been a while since I last wrote and I don't expect many people to read my blog, but it's time to reconnect. I do have an excuse, in case you need one. After such an amazing yoga journey in July of last year, things sort of fell slowly down and crumbled in front of me. The yoga world I knew had disappointed me.

I was teaching several classes at only one studio (I prefer not to say the name, just in case). I loved the community there, the students, the other teachers, the life and energy, the friends I made, the growth I experienced on the mat and as an instructor. That space was so important to me. And then things started going bad.

Rumors started that the studio was going to close, that the owner could not afford keeping it open, that the former manager was going to take control, that another studio was going to come and buy it, that the landlord was going to open his own yoga studio, that we were not going to have a place to practice... and so on. It was hard.

I don't like to listen to rumors, they create assumptions that tend to be far from reality. And that was all what people talked about. It got very exhausting at one point. I don't like drama, I'm very practical, so being in the middle of this weird atmosphere, made me realize that it was not gonna be pretty.

And then people started changing, getting competitive, fighting for that one teaching spot; the manager of the studio went crazier than normal, she went back into her addictions and personal issues, which of course were reflected on her relationships with students and teachers. Things got out of control. Meanwhile, I tried to stay out of it, but there was not much space to move out.

Then we got an email saying that the studio was closing that week, instead of months later as we had been told. There was rage among students, people were talking about legal actions against the owner (they had bought passes and classes recently), we were all in disbelieve. Two days after the studio had closed, we got another email saying that another known local studio was taking over the space.

It was like a new energy had been brought upon us. It felt so good, so clean, so nice, so fresh. We believed in them, in the power of yoga, in what we saw was changing... But it just stayed there. No more changes were made, things continued to fall even when I thought we couldn't go any lower. So we suffered through another crush, another disappointment, another sad experience.

I started looking for new places to practice and teach and I'm so glad I did. The owner of the building opened the studio again, with a third new name, with almost no students left that would trust in them. I was one of them. It just felt wrong. So disorganized, so cold, so confusing, so lost, so depressing.

So I walked away, with tears in my eyes. That space provided me with so many great memories and I'm truly thankful for what I learned, for who I met, for everything I was able to experience. But it was not the same space anymore, the soul of the place was gone. It was not a Yoga Studio, it was solely a business, a money maker, a number.

So here I am, still looking for that great studio to practice in that calls my heart, that catches my eye and that captures my soul. I now teach at several studios. So if you're in Denver, or come to Denver some day, please stop by at any of my classes:

Monday 5:15 - 6:15pm, Power Vinyasa Flow, Studio Shakta
Tuesday 5:15 - 6:15pm, Power Vinyasa Flow, Studio Shakta
Friday 6:00 - 6:50pm, Beginners Flow, PowerHouse Gym Denver
Saturday 9:00 - 10:00am, Power Vinyasa Flow, Breathe Yoga & Cycle Studio